
NinjaHead 05/03/2024

Updated some site related stuff. Still fully employed on other projects, so will get back to my personal projects as soon as these finish.

NinjaHead 30/04/2022

UE5 has been released and is looking good!
Sadly, I've not had much free time to work on projects recently, but when I do, I'll be testing out UE5.

NinjaHead 29/07/2021

Updated some bits on the site. Removed some dead links and updated a couple that were pulled out from under us!

Other than that, nothing much to report, we've been contributing to other projects and have been kept busy through the pandemic.

Looking forward to seeing what UE5 has in store!

NinjaHead 09/11/2019

Call of the Ninja v1.3 has been released and should update on your steam account automatically.

This update attempts to address the issue of 'cracks' appearing between sprites which seems to be related to the scaling used to make the game appear at the correct aspect ratio on different resolution screens. It also appears to be related to the Steam Overlay, since it doesn’t seem to happen when run from windows directly and will often clear up if you alt-tab to the desktop and back. This has made it quite a tricky problem to fix!

I have also beeng pulled away to work on other projects full time so haven't had as much time to look at the problem as I would have liked. :/

Hopefully the issue is sorted!

  • Tweaks made to the graphics to that the ninjas animate more smoothly now.
  • Shadows on the running ninjas are now more realistic.
  • Removed the tutorial from the intro sequence, as these didn’t really fit in well.

NinjaHead 09/02/2017

Website resdesign is now up and live on so you shouldn't need to update your bookmarks.

Contact panel is also up and running!

NinjaHead 07/10/2015

The 'TeraTransfer and TeraDecal' Blueprint pack goes live today on the Unreal Marketplace!

To help you hit the ground running with the system, we've recorded a new 'Tips and Tricks' tutorial video.

Tips and TricksOverview here

If you want a longer introduction then watch the longer version here

NinjaHead 14/07/2015

Introducing some Utility Blueprints for Unreal
Engine 4.8+ which greatly simplify the process of decorating and making levels feel unique.

TeraTransfer and TeraDecal Blueprint pack



If you want a longer introduction then watch the longer version on YouTube

NinjaHead 13/04/2015

The weather may be getting warmer, but the Ninjas are all bundled up!
IndieGala are featuring them as part of their weekly bundle!

Grab a copy while you can at: indieGala

Go-Ninja-Go! :)

NinjaHead 20/01/2015

We're happy to announce that Call of the Ninja is now available on Steam.

Full Steam Ahead! :)

NinjaHead 28/11/2014

We're pleased to announce that the Sci-Fi novel 'The Voran Incident'
is now live on the Amazon website and available for the Kindle platform.

Aimed at young readers from 10 years and up, it tells the story of a lone A.I on a
crippled starship, that after receiving a distress call from a strange alien race,
undertakes one last rescue mission. But all is not as it seems... 

Voran Book Cover

Check it out on the
Amazon Kindle Store!

$2.99 /£1.99

NinjaHead 20/01/2014

Now available!

NinjaHead 23/04/2012

Call of the Ninja 1.0 is now available!

Guide your troop of ninjas to the Dojo in this fun puzzle platformer over the course of 30 Levels!
Call of the Ninja Menu